Centro de Cómputo IFE

Institutional / 2002

Santa Maria Tlaxiaca, Hidalgo

Designed in 2002, and built from 2003 and 2005, located in Santa Maria Tlaxiaca Hidalgo, this 6 storey building hosts the Computer Centre of the former Federal Electoral Institute. Conceived as a transparent glass box, cloistered by an open and raw black steel structure; portrays transparency, public opening and impartiality, the Institute values. The complex hasn’t got any enclosure walls, but remains invulnerable due to a sophisticated security system. The computer servers that process the federal elections can be seen from the outside but can´t be accessed. The main façades are protected by a steel sun screen calculated for solar exposure and security purpose.


Honorato Carrasco Mahr / Raul Peña Arias / Cesar Pérez Becerril / Juan Antonio Díaz Romo / Carlo Aiello / Julio Pérez / Adriana Lira Olivier / Leticia Crispín Acuña / Jaime Nenclares García / Filemón Fierro Peschard / Juan Giral y Mazón / Ramón Abud Ramírez / Thelma Lazcano Botello / Felipe Leal Fernández /


Alberto Moreno Guzmán / Raul Peña Arias / Honorato Carrasco Mahr /


Este es un proyecto diseñado y desarrollado por Fuego Studio
