Puente Unidad de Postgrado de Derecho

Education Institutional / 2009

Mexico City

A pedestrian covered bridge was set to cross the high cliff over Avenida Universidad and connect The Law School Postgraduate Studies Unit and University City. The structural design features diagonal steel beams painted in black mate that form a horizontal body covered inside with translucent glass panels whose span´s lengths the complete wide of the avenue; embarks from an open area and unloads in the school unit´s main hall. 


César Pérez Becerril / Raúl Peña Arias / Claudia González Aguirre / Flavio Pavel Jiménez / Enrique Flores Acevedo / Gabriel Flores Acevedo / Gabriel Chávez / David González / Liliana Esparza / Luis Hernández


Albeto Moreno Guzmán / Raul Peña Arias


Este es un proyecto diseñado y desarrollado por Fuego Studio
